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New in-house designed of hydraulic turbine that combine benefits of impulse and reaction hydraulic turbines. The unique nozzle and bucket profile provide smallest weight to power ratio among all hydro turbines. It can be prime mover for generators…
New innovative method to measure discharge flow using Bernouli principle and continuity. Non-intrusive measurement to measure water intake and hydro turbine discharge without plant shutdown.
A modular of supportive device, “Elev8thor”, as to lift patient’s injured foot by ‘offload’ approach. “Elev8thor” is a tool that reduces complications of foot injuries, as it facilitates medical personnel in managing any open severe wound. It is… Classification
Muamalat Interactive Game (Community Edition)(MIG CE) is a game-based Educational tool that promotes inclusive economic development by inculcating the spirit of gift economy, promote awareness on managing personal finance & exposes the players…