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Inovasi produk merupakan salah satu cara bag meningkatkan penambahbaikan dalam produk di sesuatu kawasan. Pelbagai jenis produk dapat diinovasikan seperti inovasi produk makanan, elektronik, kosmetik, fesyen, pertanian dan… Classification
Surgical suturing skill is one of the areas that require the most practices to minimize errors that might occur while treating patients. As medical educator, the inventor believes that medical and surgical tasks and skills can only be learned with…
Shoulder Air Bag (SAB) is a disposable / reusable patient positioning device invented with a purpose of elevating patient’s shoulder from operation table and thus providing neck extension. It is indicated to position a patient…
The present invention relates to a new kind of medicinal value or health care function of Parkia speciosa empty pod extract, particularly in alleviating cardiac hypertrophy. In one aspect, the present invention discloses a composition comprising an…