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A bioreactor for algae cultivation comprises a plurality of light permeable columns arranged in an upright position and spacing apart one another at a predetermined gap that each column has a top and bottom openings; a top and a bottom medium…
The present invention disclosed a groundwater treatment system that is able to filtering off iron and manganese from groundwater and making it safe and ready for consumption. The groundwater treatment system according to the present invention…
The present invention provides an apparatus for carrying out a photocatalytic reaction for wastewater treatment. The apparatus includes at least one spiral rod having a spaced thread profile that swirls helically along the rod wherein the at least…
GEMS is a carbon footprint monitoring application system to quantify and determine the sources of greenhouse emissions during plant commercial operation. It allows establishing of objectives, strategies and actions to reduce these emissions…
NEXCOM Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of composite material. Main Functions; Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The Environmental Sciences friendly structure is light weight, heavy duty,…
N4BERS Turbine - NAHRIM 4-Function Structure (Breakwater - EnergyGenerator - ReefREstorer- SandTrap)
N4BERS Turbine is a renewable energy coastal turbine device generating power from tidal and current. The turbine can also be used in rivers and stream especially at remote areas areas. Pilot project was in Marang coast, Terengganu.
NAHRIM marine lamp is a renewable energy lamp device generated by sea water through electrolysis process. Alternatively salt water and mineral water are also sufficient for electric power generation.