Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
The Present Invention Relates To A System And Method (1000) For Monitoring Carbon Emission Level Of An Area. The System Which Monitors Carbon Emission Level Of The Area By Computing Carbon Dioxide Produced By Vehicles Comprises A Plurality Of…
The invention introduces a bacteria monitoring device which is user friendly and easy to handle. The device is designed based on the combination and coordination of miniaturized microfluidic platform lab-on-chip with portable optical measurement…
A potentiometric sensor for determination of Aluminium (Al) ion in water. It uses NEW thiourea compound having the active side as ionophore to detect Al ion. The fabrication is based on the drop casting immobilization method using the matrix that…
The invention provides a Roof Integrated Photovoltaic (RIPV) module roof mounting system. The RIPV mounting system is able to replace the roofing system to act as both a power generator and also a roofing component. It is specially design to cater…