Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Inovasi ke arah pengembangan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Quran kepada komuniti OKU pekak dimana pengguna dapat mengetahui sinopsis surah dan mengenali paparan anatramuka mashaf, menghafaz ayat-ayat menggunakan Kod Tangan Quran, belajar membaca dan…
Informer on site is one of prototype mobile application for informing disaster complaint with site pictures and location using the smartphones. Its focus on disaster cases such as flood, typhoon, haze and landslide. This apps can assist the…
The MSU assessment chart and Tool consists of the MSU vision test chart and MSU Assessment Ruler for binocular vision assessment. It comes with a detachable ruler stick and vision chart plate with box. Both chart and ruler prototypes were… Classification
I-Talk Piskeb (Innovation Talk Pendidikan Islam Sekolah Kebangsaan) is an interactive application based on text book Pendidkan Islam Standard 1 until 6. The development of this courseware is to provide the best learning tools for teachers who teach…
This product allow query in one language targeted to documents in a different language through Quhex indexing model in the form of machine language understood by computers. Quhex indexing is a unique representation in binary, independent of the…
DiRetina: Smartphone Fundus Imaging for Intelligent Detection of Eye Diseases (Diabetic Retinopathy)
The purpose of DiRetina is to provide a low-cost, portable, and user-friendly tool that can help detect diabetic retinopathy (DR) in its early stages. DR is a common complication of diabetes that affects the blood vessels in the retina, leading… Classification