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Embodiments of the present invention relate to antennas for wireless communications, and more particularly, to a microstrip patch antenna suitable for ultra wide band in wireless communication applications.
The present invention relates to a folding mechanism and more particularly the present invention relates to an improved folding mechanism used as a reading materials support member.
The present invention relates to the method of encrypting computer information and data files using a secure encrypted envelop and more particularly by using the combination of AES algorithm and SHA-256 alogrithm in encrypting/decrypting.
The MSU assessment chart and Tool consists of the MSU vision test chart and MSU Assessment Ruler for binocular vision assessment. It comes with a detachable ruler stick and vision chart plate with box. Both chart and ruler prototypes were… Classification
DiRetina: Smartphone Fundus Imaging for Intelligent Detection of Eye Diseases (Diabetic Retinopathy)
The purpose of DiRetina is to provide a low-cost, portable, and user-friendly tool that can help detect diabetic retinopathy (DR) in its early stages. DR is a common complication of diabetes that affects the blood vessels in the retina, leading… Classification