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Embodiments of the present invention relate to antennas for wireless communications, and more particularly, to a microstrip patch antenna suitable for ultra wide band in wireless communication applications.
The present invention relates to a folding mechanism and more particularly the present invention relates to an improved folding mechanism used as a reading materials support member.
The present invention relates to the method of encrypting computer information and data files using a secure encrypted envelop and more particularly by using the combination of AES algorithm and SHA-256 alogrithm in encrypting/decrypting.
Innovation is very important in modern times to improving the quality of a product in industry of construction. A ladder is a piece of equipment consisting of repeated bars or steps (rungs) between two upright lengths of metal, wood, or rope that…
The goal of this system is to promoting digital transformation by establish an online notification and record keeping system of firefighting maintenance work in a building. This system is specially designed for preventive maintenance for fire alarm…