Due to its unpredictable nature, disasters pose a critical need for efficient disaster management training. Conventionally, disaster training is conducted through labor-intensive tabletop exercises, with limited case variability. An innovative… Classification
by UCSI University in Prototype
CinnaFresh is an innovative bio-renewable and sustainable active packaging that preserves fresh-cut produce quality through enzymatic browning and fungal inhibitions. It is produced by using biodegradable and sustainable cellulose acetate as the… |
The invention is developing a bench scale flotation of feldspar using sulphuric acid acts as an activator (to replace hidrofluoric acid) with a mixed cationic/anionic collector (n-tallow 1, 3-propanediamine-dioleate), thereby create Environmental…
This project offers an alternatively process of extracting mica from pegmatite rock using magnetic separation without any additional of chemical reagent. It applies precise control of the magnetic separation process is essential to obtain high grade…
The Educational Science kits provide all you need to perform scientific exploration in a box. Suitable for kids as young as 8 years old, this Kits contain safe materials and tools for children to carry out the exploration. Thus, it can be use by…
Memproses bijih besi menggunakan kaedah teknologi hijau yang dapat meningkatkan gred bijih besi kepada gred kosentrat besi komersial dengan mencapai piawaian (Standard) antarabangsa serta dapat mengekalkan kelestarian/kemampanan (sustainable) sumber…
The device BFP is specially designed for the visual impaired people who are novice of braille learners or never have had any exposure to braille language. BFP is to assist or teach the beginners of visual impaired to comprehend the arrangement of…
A 3-dimensional virtual Microbiology laboratory with 360-degree view was developed. This helps them personalise their learning focus and gives tailored guidance and clear instruction in a cost-effective manner. The learning platform… Classification