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Plants, fungi and even secretions from animals are rich sources of chemical compounds/phytochemicals with medicinal properties. Many of these have been used by indigenous people for various diseases e.g. diabetes, bites & stings, cancer, etc… Classification
Thymoquinone Rich Fraction (TQRF) is a nutraceutical product extracted from Nigella sativa seeds using Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) system. The bioactive compound is Thymoquinone (TQ) which is highly volatile. TQRF has a very high anti-…
FISHMiP adalah set data pemetaan zon perikanan Malaysia digital untuk pengguna GPS MapSeries. Kesemua zon perikanan telah didigitkan termasuk kawasan larangan menangkap ikan dengan radius 2 batu nautika dari pulau-pulau taman laut, lot-lot kultur…
Stingless bee honey is more expensive compared to normal bee honey because it is less available in the market. Due to the high demand in the market, the breeder loses due to the loss of the stingless bee hive. Usually the stingless bee hive is…