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This is a system that will recognize and predict the emotional state of an automotive drivers while driving. The system will receive inputs from several sensors including psychophysiological sensors (PPG, skin temperature, GSR, blood pressure, ECG…
Hybrid 3D printer is a tool to translate complex design and ideas into real product rapidly at low cost. The new hybrid 3D printer integrates different processing techniques and significantly improves printed product quality in term of its…
3D printing technology has emerged as the new alternative method to transform the virtual model into the physical object through a layer by layer operation. The application of the metal-based material in 3D printing is now on the leading edge of…
This invention presents a new class of integrated rectangular Substrate integrated Waveguide (SIW) filter and microstrip patch antenna for RF/microwave front-end subsystems to produce filtering and radiating element in a single device ad would be…
The present invention relates to a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor for performing logical functions. The complementary metal-oxide semiconductor comprises a wafer, an oxide layer, an interfacial layer and a plurality of metal terminals. The…
The invention is a system that been called smart winder. It is a new type of winder that can be used in radiography testing (RT). RT is one of the most used methods in non-destructive testing (NDT). It utilizes Gamma radiation source to check the…