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Home appliances such as remote control systems, sensors and security system have become more advanced with the recent improvements in microcontrollers and wireless technologies such as Bluetooth. The Personal area network (PAN)make these devices can…
A simple design of Thermal Energy Harvesting(TEH) device consists of Thermoelectric Generator(TEG), DC-DC booster converter, electrical energy storage and DC output port source is developed. This TEH device has a capability to capture and collect…
Heat is generated as disc breaking is being applied which is proportional to the deceleration of a vehicle. The heat energy can be recovered using a TEG to generate useful electrical power to operate a wireless alert system by sending a distress…
This prototype is a battery-less and maintenance free wireless monitoring device which is able to monitor machinery vibration and trigger an alarm if the vibration level exceed a pre-defined safety level. The ambient vibration is the energy source…