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SMARTriage, a Tutorless Board Game as an Alternative to

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Reg. ID : 17512
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Due to its unpredictable nature, disasters pose a critical need for efficient disaster management training. Conventionally, disaster training is conducted through labor-intensive tabletop exercises, with limited case variability. An innovative solution in the form of an educational board game known as Simulated disaster Management And Response Triage training (SMARTriage) has been developed using gamified learning. SMARTriage was developed using the Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics' (MDA) game design framework where "mechanics" refers to a set of rules that define the game, "dynamics" refers to the players' experience and interaction with the game and "aesthetics" refer to the intended sensational or emotional experience evoked when a player participates in the game. The COVID-19 pandemic further underscored the relevance of this simple learning tool. As the game requires only a small group of four players, has a self-instruction card, it allows for a tutor-less setup, ideal for maintaining physical distancing protocols and reducing labor demands. To validate its usefulness, a study was conducted to compare the perception of medical students towards SMARTriage with the conventional tabletop exercises. Using Wilcoxon signed rank test, it was found that although tabletop exercises were generally rated higher but in terms of the students' attitude and interaction engagement, no significant difference was found between these two learning methods was noted, suggesting that SMARTriage could be a feasible adjunctive tool for disaster training. By embracing such innovative teaching methods, we can better prepare our future healthcare professionals for unpredictable disaster scenarios, particularly teaching and learning in an unpredictable disaster scenario.


Through gamified learning that offers rich interaction with the added element of fun, SMARTriage board game is a simple, yet innovative approach to disaster training. Unlike the fixed combination of cases in the conventional tabletop exercise, SMAERTriage offers virtually "limitless" permutations and combinations of cases, drawn from a pool of 50 disaster cards. For example, just to select 8 cases in the disaster zone, there are 21,000 billion unique permutations or combinations of cases, offering a far-reaching variety compared to the mere eight fixed cases in traditional tabletop exercise. Designed using the Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics' (MDA) game design framework, SMARTriage integrates rules that define the game (mechanics), an immersive player experience and interaction (dynamics), and the evocative emotional engagement (aesthetics). As the game can be played with small groups of four, it a suitable teaching tool during times of physical distancing, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic. As it has a self-instruction card, it can also be used without the presence of a tutor, thus making it less labor intensive. Furthermore, unlike computer and mobile games, its independence from high-tech requirements or internet access; all of which, render SMARTriage a cost-effective and practical teaching and learning tool even in remote areas with limited connectivity. Notably, SMARTriage is also one of the first published disaster training board games in an academic journal.

Contact Person/Inventor

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Mah Yau Seng 60128813520



Award Title Award Achievement Award Year Received
Education MTE 2023 2023


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