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Smart Cable Roll

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Reg. ID : 16151


Often during the process of rolling a cable, the cable becomes entangled, making it difficult to roll the cable. In addition, the cable also tends to accumulate in one place on the cable roll (cable overrun), which makes it difficult to unroll the cable later on, as well as possibly damaging the cable. If only a part of the cable inside the cable roller is unrolled, the remaining part of the cable in the cable roll could get burnt as the heat generated inside the cable cannot be easily removed. In order to prevent cable accumulation, the process of rolling the cable should be carried out manually by hand to ensure that long cables do not get entangled and are arranged neatly in the cable roll. This can be time consuming, especially for works that involve long cables. In addition, the cable rolling process by the hands without the proper gloves is very risky if the cable is pulled too fast, as it can cause hand injuries. To this end, the Science & Technology Research Institute for Defence (STRIDE) developed a Smart Cable Roll to ease the process of cable rolling as well as avoiding cable entanglement. The innovation of the Smart Cable Roll as compared to other cable rolls in the market is the use of a cable guide to ensure uniform cable arrangements during the cable rolling process. The cable guide is designed in the shape of a heart to reduce the distance travelled by the cable when it is being rolled, making the process smoother and faster. The cable roll also employs a motor for automatic and faster rolling of cables. If the motor has run out of battery or is damaged, the cable roll can still be used using its lever. At present, the cable roll is being used for cable management in vibration tests conducted by STRIDEs Ship Vibration Measurement Team and Vehicle Branch.

Contact Person/Inventor

Name Email Contact Phone
Dinesh A/L Sathyamoorthy 03-87324400


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