Computed Tomography Artificial Intelligence Detection for Atherosclerosis (CTAID-A) model, is a product introduced to classify atherosclerotic plaque quantitatively as the main cause of human mortality attributed to heart disease or… Classification
The school mainly consists of male students/teenagers with the age in range of 13 to 17 years old and thus, most of them are experiencing hormonal changes symptoms. Due to this, excessive oily sebum is generated by their skin. The sebum interacts… Classification
Malaysia has been labeled as one of the top 15 global aquaculture sources and plays a significant role in supplying domestic and foreign demands for affordable protein food. However, this sector is usually threatened with various infections and… Classification
Invasive fish species have become the main reason for the loss of biodiversity in aquatic habitats and have numerous effects on native fish and aquatic systems not only in Malaysia but globally. Not only have effects ecologically, the presence of… Classification
Orthodontists generally use the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Needs (IOTN) to determine whether people qualify for further orthodontic treatment. This allows triaging of treatment resources to only those in greater need of treatment. At current… Classification
Pemburuan Maya Forensik: Kes Toksikologi is an innovative online STEM product developed by UNISEL students with the guidance of lecturers from STEM UNISEL. This online product is hosted on a Google Form and challenges participants to solve a murder…
Pemburuan Maya Forensik: Kes Biobahaya is a new addition to the STEM UNISEL product lineup, created by students of UNISEL with the guidance of STEM UNISEL lecturers. It is the second set of the Pemburuan Maya Forensik product and centred on the…