Plants, fungi and even secretions from animals are rich sources of chemical compounds/phytochemicals with medicinal properties. Many of these have been used by indigenous people for various diseases e.g. diabetes, bites & stings, cancer, etc… Classification
The World was challenged by out-break of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 2019 and it became Pandemic. At the beginning of pandemic, there were worries, uncertainties as well as misbeliefs and myths. A group of medical students at… Classification
Computed Tomography Artificial Intelligence Detection for Atherosclerosis (CTAID-A) model, is a product introduced to classify atherosclerotic plaque quantitatively as the main cause of human mortality attributed to heart disease or… Classification
Malaysia has been labeled as one of the top 15 global aquaculture sources and plays a significant role in supplying domestic and foreign demands for affordable protein food. However, this sector is usually threatened with various infections and… Classification
Invasive fish species have become the main reason for the loss of biodiversity in aquatic habitats and have numerous effects on native fish and aquatic systems not only in Malaysia but globally. Not only have effects ecologically, the presence of… Classification