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In acid soils, e xcessive amounts of fertilizers are used partly because of nutrients entrapment and low/poor crop yield produce organic amendments from agro wastes which can improve soil quality, crop yield, agronomic, economic, efficiencies, and…
SargaPrebio powder (Sargassum Prebiotic powder): Use of seaweed as feed enhancer for aquatic animals
This innovation relates to the Prebiotic potentials of Marine macro-seaweeds, especially brown macro-algae Sargassum polycystum. It can be used as prebiotic food, feed additive or feed supplement especially for the young (e.g.fish fry and…
The optimum tilted angle calculation is based on solar noon in which from the equation, a software has been developed for tilted angle calculation, namely Solar Noon Locator UPM. The developed GUI is shown in the Figure 1. The user need to input the…