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The present invention provides a fretting load measuring device for rotating bending type fretting fatigue test machine, the fretting measuring device includes: a) a fretting ring; b) a loading means , wherein the loading means is a pair of biasing…
The present invention relates to an improved method and system for segmenting an ultrasound image for detecting osteoarthritis using an active contour technique. The method basically relates to local region scalable active contour using expandable…
The present invention discloses a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (Multiplex PCR) kit for multiple target detection in a single assay platform for Halal authentication. The Multiplex PCR kit disclosed according to the present invention comprises…
A method of producing a dye sensitised solar cell, characterised by heating and stirring a gelatinised starch solution containing an iodide salt to obtain a polymer mixture; adding ionic liquid into the polymer mixture to form a polymer electrolyte…