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The demand for porous membranes with highly ordered pore structures and precise nanopore size is pushing the technological limits of membrane manufacturing. We have developed a novel technique for fabricating high-quality porous membranes with…
Sistem Pemantauan Radiasi Pintar (SARM) adalah sistem pemantauan tahap radiasi berterusan 24 jam. Amaran automatik kepada pengguna (telefon pintar, siren dan lampu amaran) apabila tahap pendedahan lebih tinggi daripada tahap yang boleh diterima
The device BFP is specially designed for the visual impaired people who are novice of braille learners or never have had any exposure to braille language. BFP is to assist or teach the beginners of visual impaired to comprehend the arrangement of…
The invention is a system that been called smart winder. It is a new type of winder that can be used in radiography testing (RT). RT is one of the most used methods in non-destructive testing (NDT). It utilizes Gamma radiation source to check the…