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Interactive story telling Kit with books and board using Augmented Reality via Engagement Features in NEMD Model
The invention is a model of parameters shared between music and movement in which the model demonstrate that audio element could enhanced the visual perception of a movement In this case, sports routine is used as the subject. Music has different…
This module can be used as a supplementary material for English language activities and learning. To realize this, English language learning in this programme is arranged in a more casual atmosphere where the interactive elements of the game are…
Dadu Gergasi Imbuhan PAK21 merupakan inovasi berasaskan konsep pembelajaran abad ke-21 (PAK21) yang diuar-uarkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) untuk membantu murid menguasai kata nama terbitan yang diuji secara holistik dalam…
NEXCOM Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of composite material. Main Functions; Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The Environmental Sciences friendly structure is light weight, heavy duty,…
The device BFP is specially designed for the visual impaired people who are novice of braille learners or never have had any exposure to braille language. BFP is to assist or teach the beginners of visual impaired to comprehend the arrangement of…
Qalamiy â„¢ helps alleviate the writing problems that many special Education students experience.The use of adaptive tools (low -tech aids) can improve the ability to grip a pencil through the intervention of a biomechanical approach.…
As the future progresses, more and more difficulties are being advanced, however, as we deal with problems that humankind has created, why can't we deal with situations that are natural, such as communicating with people who struggle with hearing…
NEXCOM Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of composite material. Main Functions; Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The Environmental Sciences friendly structure is light weight, heavy duty,…
NEXC Block is an innovative coastal protection structure for sandy beach made of marine grade concrete. Main Functions are for Erosion Protection & Natural Beach expansion. The innovative structure is easier, faster, cheaper and more…
N4BERS Turbine - NAHRIM 4-Function Structure (Breakwater - EnergyGenerator - ReefREstorer- SandTrap)
N4BERS Turbine is a renewable energy coastal turbine device generating power from tidal and current. The turbine can also be used in rivers and stream especially at remote areas areas. Pilot project was in Marang coast, Terengganu.
NAHRIM Coastal Bin functions as debris collector located at river mouth to control marine plastic pollution made from recylce plastic. The system provides sustainable ecosystem from debris trap, collection and recycle within local communities. Pilot…
WABCORE is a composite system of concrete units, designed to protect coastal erosion and at the same time create an environment conductive for the growth of marine life. It was design with dual purpose and provides an alternative to the conventional…
NAHRIM marine lamp is a renewable energy lamp device generated by sea water through electrolysis process. Alternatively salt water and mineral water are also sufficient for electric power generation.
www.mycoast.nahrim.gov.my is geospatial hydraulic marine and oceanography data management for research and development purposes.
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) causes millions of dollars losses to the shrimp industry in Asia. The Fast Target white spot syndrome virus detection kit is the first kit to use single tube, single loading, nonstop approach to detect white spot…