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The school mainly consists of male students/teenagers with the age in range of 13 to 17 years old and thus, most of them are experiencing hormonal changes symptoms. Due to this, excessive oily sebum is generated by their skin. The sebum interacts… Classification
Inovasi produk merupakan salah satu cara bag meningkatkan penambahbaikan dalam produk di sesuatu kawasan. Pelbagai jenis produk dapat diinovasikan seperti inovasi produk makanan, elektronik, kosmetik, fesyen, pertanian dan… Classification
This research presents the design and development of a novel strategy for an Ankle-Foot Rehabilitation Exerciser (AFRE) system. AFRE system can be used Continuos Passive Motion (CPM) device and strength endurance training device for early stage…
Voice -Assisted Wheelchair is designed to control a wheel chair using voice in android device wirelessly. The objective is to ease the burden for frequent wheelchair user especially for elderly people to move around. Voice control in android is a…
The invention relate to the high performance orthopedic surgical drill bit design. It unique design offers superior control and flexibility to the surgeon up to 30 degree penetration angle without skiving, precise hole, reduced micro-fracturing,…