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This invention is directed to devices and methods for the process of producing dried biofertilizer pellets. The present invention describes a method to pelletize dried sewage sludge as presently manufactured by municipalities or companies from…
Kedua-dua variety hybrid jagung ini adalah variety hybrid F1 unggul yang telah melalui penilaian prestasi di beberapa lokasi di Malaysia dan telah terbukti menunjukkan hasil dan kualiti yang tinggi. Varieti Hibrid adalah variety yang dihasilkan dari…
The present invention provides a slow release granule composition for the delivery of one or more plant treatment agents. The composition comprises an organic solution consisting peat soil liquid obtained from a peat material and urea. The granule…
Soil pollution by heavy metals and other toxic chemical is a serious Environmental Sciences issue especially in landfill sites in the country. One of the methods to clean these polluted sites is through phytoremediation which involves the plants.…